Living Room

  1. Unplug objects when not in use. Plugs continue to draw current even when not turned on; the equivalent of one 100 watt bulb burning non-stop!
  2. Opt for LCD over plasma televisions. A plasma television, even when not in use consumes as much energy as your refrigerator!
  3. Install hardwood, tile or cork floors. Carpeting traps dust, mites and mold. Carpet glue, fibers and backing can contain off-gas volatile organic compounds (vocs)
  4. If you love carpet, buy hepa filters for your vacuum cleaner, they can clean & filter up to 99% of allergens. Vacuum thoroughly and often.

Laundry Room

  1. Buy front loading washers and dryers with moisture sensors. Front loaders consume 40 gallons less of water per load than top loaders.
  2. 90% of the energy that washers use comes from heating the water. Wash clothes on cold/cold.
  3. Wait for full loads
  4. Hang dry if possible. If not, have moisture sensor dryer that can turn itself off as soon as it senses the correct moisture level.
  5. Use plant-based detergents, not petroleum-based. Plant-based detergents are non-toxic.
  6. Instead of bleach, try using a product that features oxygen or peroxide as the active agent. Bleach contaminates ground water.


  1. The toilet is the biggest water waster. If your toilet was made pre 1993, it uses 8 gallons to flush, toilets after 1993 use 1.6/flush. You can usually find the manufacturing date stamped in the porcelain inside the tank. Replace toilets with post 1993 models if possible.
  2. Plumbing leaks account for 14% of water bill. Check you fixtures thoroughly and make sure to tighten any faucets after use.
  3. Install a low-flow showerhead and save 50% of water used in the shower. Baths use much more water than showers; keep these to a minimum.


  1. Replace all incandescent bulbs with CFLs (compact fluorescent lightbulbs.) They last 10x longer and use only 25% of the energy a normal lightbulb uses. Try buying the “warm white” or “soft white” bulbs that simulate incandescent light qualities.
  2. Look for Low-VOC paints for your rooms that are plant based. These emit much less toxic gas than their regular counterpart. Most major brands now have a low-VOC option.
  3. Buy an organic mattress. Besides being easily recyclable and biodegradable, opting for an organic cotton mattress with natural latex will not off-gas VOCs.


  1. Choose a top or bottom freezer refrigerator. Side-by-sides use 20% more energy. Keep freezer temp at 0 degrees and keep refrigerator at 40 degrees for maximum efficiency.
  2. Bake dishes together in the over to save heat and time. Try not to open the oven door, it can lose up to 50 degrees of heat in a couple of seconds.
  3. Use a microwave where possible…it uses 85% less energy than a range!!
  4. If shopping for a new cooktop, opt for induction instead of gas or electric.
  5. Only run dishwasher when full and let dishes air dry.

Seal House

  1. For every degree you turn the thermostat down in the winter you are saving 3% of your gas bill, every degree warmer in the summer, same 3%.
  2. Change furnace filters monthly.
  3. Seal all ducting, wires, pipes and cracks.
  4. Close door to closets, no need to heat or cool those!
  5. 1/3 of air comes in through walls, ceilings or cracks. Add insulation to crawl space and attic. Use recycled cotton, soybean or cellulose insulators.
  6. Decrease fireplace use as much as possible.

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